Our Vision
All members are included and where needed supported to participate in local and wider social, civic and economic life.
“Moving Forward, Together”
Our Mission
Connect Community Trust will support with direct and partner delivery the communities of Greater Easterhouse and the East End of Glasgow to be: Healthy - Enabled - Connected - Empowered
We are commited to the following values:
Professional - Innovative & Creative - Friendly & Approachable - Common Good & Inclusiveness - Empowerment -Evironmentally Aware

- Improve existing and acquire new assets from which to deliver services
- Embed an environmental ethos across the whole organisation
- Develop a creative and cultural programme
- Introduce services which meet the needs of a changing and diverse community
- Strengthen community engagement and co-production activities
- Improved mental health
- Increased confidence
- People are enabled to connect with others
- Improved social lives
- Healthier and active lifestyles
- Skills developed
- Improved self-respect / self esteem
- Healthier relationships
- Financial stability
- Qualifications gained
- Employment secured
- People feel safe
Social Impact
- Improved family stability
- Reduced loneliness and isolation
- Increased life expectancy
- New community assets created
- Greater community cohesion
- More employment created
- New and increased services and opportunities
- Intergenerational learning
New Ventures
In addition to the services and activities that the Trust currently operate the most recent developments have been in the forming of a subsidiary company:
'Connect-IN Enterprises Ltd' is a trading arm of the Trust that delivers a wide range of services that help to generate income and creates jobs for the local community.